How To Write Copy That Sells

Did you know that one of the most expensive business tasks to outsource is hiring a copywriter to write the sales copy for your products and services?

Many people starting to make money online are totally unaware of the term “content is king” or even what it means to use sales copy to create income on the Internet.

Fortunately, you can learn to write effective sales copy yourself, and the following sales strategies will help you get off to a great start.

But first, If you want to make money in the internet world, your technique must be different. You only get 10 seconds to grab a visitor's attention who may become your customer. 

Your only way of interaction with your customers is your sales copy. So it must be a sales copy that really generates sales. B2B and B2C sales copy should guarantee a ROI. Sales Copywriting Expertise is an artistic skill that ensures a profit from your products and services. It's not an easy task to make your visitor pull their credit card out of their pocket.

But no worries, you can apply these Lead Generating techniques to any sales copy where you're asking your reader to do something. Like, whether to sign up for your newsletter or purchase your product. You can also apply them to your:

  • web pages,
  • sales letters,
  • email promotions

and any other marketing materials to more effectively reach your reader...

1. Create a Strong Headline

Your headline can make or break your sales copy. Besides being the first thing your reader sees, it also must be strong enough to compel the reader to continue reading the rest of your sales copy.

Collect samples of headlines that you've come across that have struck a chord with you and use them as a model when you're creating your own compelling headlines.

If you're a complete novice when it comes to writing headline sales copy, a great tool to get you started is Digital Market Brand’s Headline Creator service.

2. Include Subheads

When people read online, they tend to skim. Having subheads that stand out, by being bolded or in a different color than the rest of the copy, can help you make a stronger case for your offering, if used correctly.

Include the most compelling of your benefits in your subheads. And make sure that they do the same thing that your headline does - engages the reader enough so they continue reading.

3. Make Your Sales Copy Easy on the Eyes

Like using subheads, also include white space, bulleted lists, and some graphics (go easy here!) to break up your copy to make it easier for your reader to read online.

4. Turn All Your Features Into Benefits

It is important to take out a sheet of paper and list as many features of your offering that you can possibly think of. Then, in your copy, turn each of these into a benefit for your prospect.

For example, if one of your features is "four monthly coaching sessions" say something like, "you get weekly access to coaching with me, so we can make sure you stay on track toward your goals."

5. Give Them the Good Stuff First

Unlike in an infomercial, you don't want to wait until the end of your sales copy to reveal the biggest and best asset of your offering. Tell your reader the most compelling benefit to them of your offering first, then talk about the rest of your benefits throughout your sales copy.

6. Use "You" Not "I"

As you're creating your sales copy, write as though you're having a conversation with your potential client or customer. Keeping your sales copy in a conversational style will help to engage the reader, and make them feel as though you're really talking to them.

Instead of saying "I teach..." say "You'll learn...". Make it about them by continuously answering the question in your prospect's mind, "What in it for me?" and you'll have a winning piece of sales copy every time.

7. Include Testimonials

Scattered throughout your sales copy, include testimonials to increase your credibility with your prospects. If it's a new product or service, you can use testimonials from some of your other offerings, making sure you indicate what product or service the testimonials are talking about so as not to confuse the reader.

The most effective testimonials include the giver's full name and website address or city and state. Include a photo and/or audio to increase your credibility even more.

8. Make it ABUNDANTLY clear what your reader should do.

Make sure you tell your reader exactly what it is that you want them to do. If you want them to sign up for your newsletter, say, "Enter your email address below to sign up for the newsletter." If you want them to purchase your product, say "Click here to place your order."

If your sales copy is long, tell your reader what they should do to scroll the page to read at regular intervals.

9. Proofread

Make sure someone other than you takes a good look at your final draft - even if it's your significant other. :) People do make buying decisions based on good grammar, believe it or not, so have your AI, your staff or virtual assistant to review your copy.

You can save yourself the stress and hire Digital Market Brand B2B & B2C Sales Copywriting Expert services 1-925-494-1183. Keep in mind, Your content must provide brand identified, niche specific, sales copy for your digital marketing.

Follow these tips and I guarantee you'll engage your reader and entice them to do whatever it is that you're asking them to, whether it's to sign up for your newsletter, hire you for your services, or buy your product.

Many people online are unaware of the use of sales copywriting expertise to sell their products and services online. Any questions or concerns?

Please visit for more information. Read our blogs on sales copywriting, lead generating strategies & niche market branding techniques today.

Digital Market Brand B2B & B2C Sales Copy

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